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Instagram marketing tips

Want More Instagram Followers? Our Instagram Marketing Tips Will Help!

What do small and large businesses, as well as those that utilize the Instagram platform for pleasure have in common? They all want to obtain more followers. While some look at this as an act of pure vanity, it represents good business.

Instagram is now one of the most popular social media platforms with over 200 million active users each month. The medium is great for networking, establishing a brand following, and like all social media platforms: sharing content.

Is your business stuck dreaming about comprehensive Instagram reach with only a few hundred followers? GOA-TECH wants to help with our Instagram marketing tips.

Determine Your Theme

You can’t expect your business to cultivate a robust Instagram following without first establishing a clear direction. Everyone follows people that post pictures of their kids, or post an exorbitant amount of pictures of their French bulldogs. Look at every Instagram account as a business. Who are these people targeting, fans of French bulldogs?

The most important of all our Instagram marketing tips is determining precisely what your business is promoting. Stick to this as the first step in your marketing formula. While this ties into finding a voice for your brand and determining your targeted audience, we can touch on this later.

Fill Out Your Instagram Bio

We touched on this topic early this month with our post Your Instagram Bio Is What’s Keeping Your Brand From Getting Followers. While this post goes more in-depth on how to get the most out of your Instagram bio, you will want to clearly and honestly demonstrate to your potential viewers precisely what your company is all about.

If your company runs several specials, use the bio section to outline your latest deal. If your company provides an informative or education blog, use the section to promote your latest article. Instagram only allows one promotional link, make sure you take advantage of it!

Start Following Accounts

Instagram offers an easy way to connect with people already related to your company or business with its “Find People To Follow” feature. Nevertheless, head over to the “Explore” section and begin following some of the top suggested accounts.

Many of these accounts will follow you back. However, don’t go too crazy, you want to boast a business Instagram with more followers than followees. As these accounts follow you back, this is the first step towards building a following.

Posting On-Topic, Regular Content

Posting adequately and too much is a fine line. Potential followers won’t see a need to follow an account that doesn’t post often. Contrarily, posting too often might clog up your reader’s feeds resulting in a mass unfollowing.

Additionally, posting content unrelated to your business, or at the wrong time doesn’t help anyone. A post at midnight probably won’t reach as many people as you’d like. The key behind Instagram marketing tips for posts is to do so when people most likely check their Instagram. This means morning, lunch, or after work.

Instagram Marketing Tips from GOA-TECH

While these Instagram marketing tips may seem simple, it’s the little things in life that count. Many companies and businesses overlook these minor details, longing for a stout legion of followers to connect with their content.

GOA-TECH is a comprehensive IT, digital marketing, and web design firm that helps businesses cultivate working social media campaigns with creative, and outside-the-box thinking. For more information on how we can help you outside of our Instagram marketing tips, reach out to our team today!

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