
The Five Biggest Problems with DIY Social Media Management

Miami Social Media Management

Trying to Manage Your Own Social Media Business Accounts?

Social media is here to stay, and it is a key part of a successful marketing plan

When social media platforms were first launched, many underestimated their staying power and the opportunities social media provides for businesses to advertise their products and services. 

Today’s businesses cannot afford to turn a blind eye to social media marketing’s power.

Many businesses start out trying to manage their own social media campaigns but soon realize the problems with implementing a multi-platform marketing strategy.

 As experienced social media consultant’s GOA-TECH is sharing the five biggest problems our clients encountered when attempting to manage their accounts. 

  • Time: Do You Really Have It?

Miami Social Media ManagementReaching the massive number of users on social media platforms takes time, and getting them to engage with your business content can take even longer. Nothing in social media marketing is an overnight success.

Marketing your business to the right audience takes dedication and research. So if you are a DIY social media marketer, must ask, “Do I really have the time?”. 

The best social media practices involve investing time, money, and resources to ensure that a company creates the best quality content, publishing on a regular schedule.


  • Can You Create Fresh, Topical Content on Your Own?

Content Creation MiamiCreating a business brand online means connecting directly with an audience through engaging content. A company can understand who remains interested in the brand because they choose to follow the social media account.

Users rely on social media to share and connect. Unfortunately, this also means that they can express dissatisfaction and share their experiences about things they may not hold so favorably.

Social media management involves keeping an eye on the type and frequency of posted content. Wrong and outdated content can embarrass a company, putting the business in various uncomfortable and harmful situations.


  • Do You Have the Right Resources?

Social Media Services MiamiComing up with great content is half the battle. Without the right resources: time, money investment, quality content initiatives, a company could risk negative feedback for various reasons.

Social media users tend to trust other people’s insights on a brand, especially when it is the first time they hear about the company. Negative impacts can encourage dissatisfaction with the brand overall.

DIY social media management is not inherently a problem, but in many situations, hiring a professional company may represent a better idea.

Professional social media services come packaged with keyword tracking and SEO tools that enable a company to monitor, manage, and optimize their social media content and content on a website.


  • Determining the Right Tone

Content CreationEvery social media platform works differently and provides a varied audience. Social media marketing tutorials online can educate a DIY marketer on how different platforms work, but a beginner may still experience trouble establishing the right tone with specific audiences.

Some companies believe that social media management is as easy as managing a personal account. However, brand marketing is an entirely different ballgame. 

Social media marketing professionals understand every facet of social media, including targeted specific demographics to make the most of a social media presence.

This means creating the right brand voice and posting the right messaging at the right time on social media. As a result, this can generate transparency with a brand and establish relationships with social media users.

  • Can You Track Your Progress?

Social Media MarketingMany beginning social media marketers want to see immediate results. This can indicate whether a particular project is worth their time or not. On the other hand, the results we may observe from social media may not appear immediately.

Posting a singular piece of content will not determine the overall progress of a social media marketing campaign. Social media success requires multiple pieces of content over an extended period.

This is where social media tracking comes into play, a resource that many DIY marketers simply don’t have access to.

By tracking social media services, professional marketers can look at a variety of analytics to determine social media post performance across any and all social media platforms.

Miami Social Media Management | Social Media Services from GOA-TECH

When used correctly, social media marketing can offer many benefits. Marketing initiatives can drive more leads, propelling a company’s product and service sales to success.

DIY social media management can prove rewarding in a populated area like South Florida. Unfortunately, for most business owners, this is a very tedious responsibility with no guarantee of success. 

Hire a professional team offering professional social media services. To learn more about what GOA-TECH can do for you, reach out to our team today!

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