
Top 5 Social Media Platforms Your Business Needs to Be On

Marketing with Social Networks

Marketing with Social Networks

Social media involvement is a must for professional companies nowadays. It is important to put your name out into the online world to stay relevant and garner the attention of your target audience. If you are not on any social media platform, it will be very difficult to find real success. GOA-TECH has an abundance of experience in working with Marketing with Social Networks and can get you on the right track towards building an online presence!

Online Social Media Marketing Company

To thrive online, it is important to know which social media platforms can best fulfill your business needs. Below, we have listed the top 5 websites we believe are most effective in targeting an audience and advertising:

  1. Instagram – This immensely popular photo-sharing platform has become one of the top sources for advertisers. As a user, you will notice organic-looking advertisements pop up on your feed periodically. These are usually integrated into common searches and tags you may use frequently. It is the best platform for providing professional images and short videos of your products.
  2. Facebook – For years, Facebook has included one of the largest blends of demographics found on any social media platform. More than 1.59 billion users engage on the platform, making it a great place to get your business’ name out into the world. Facebook Ads can be utilized to target users based on their interests and common searches and likes. With careful management, you will have a greater chance of reaching the individuals who are most likely to be drawn to your products and services.
  3. Twitter – This social media platform is attractive to many business owners for a variety of reasons. One of the central ones is the ability for posts to go viral. Twitter is known for being incredibly fast in spreading news and posts based on “retweets” that disperse the information to all of an individual’s followers.
  4. YouTube – YouTube is the second largest search engine in place today next to Google. In regards to optimizing videos, they are much more likely to appear in search results before websites. This is because, in many ways, videos are more unique and specific than website content. Nowadays, videos are being valued more than ever before. They provide unique insight and a strong connection between you and your clients.
  5. LinkedIn – When it comes to connecting with fellow businesses and employees, LinkedIn is the way to go. This social media network makes connecting with professionals in your industry easier and faster than ever before. Its goal is to build business relationships and guide you towards the right circles.

Best Way to Market Your Business on Social Media

Take your business to the next level with GOA-TECH and our effective Marketing with Social Networks services. For more information, or for a free consultation, call us today at (786) 462-8324 to schedule an appointment!

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