
PPC Ads for a Legal Practice

Miami PPC

How Attorneys Can Improve their Client Base with PPC Advertising

When it comes to legal news, whether it is a court ruling, firm news, or appointment, a law firm must seize the moment to capture attention while the news is fresh. Unfortunately, depending on your firm website, search rankings can take quite a long time to build traction. 

By the time news or information starts to catch on, competitors could have already capitalized on the opportunity with paid PPC advertising, resulting in a missed opportunity for your firm.

PPC services enable your South Florida law firm to boost its visibility in an online space with a simple, on/off concept. Here’s a simple breakdown of how Miami PPC advertising works for South Florida attorneys:

  1. Bid money on targeted keyword phrases relevant to the traffic or specific demographics where you need success.
  2. Related search inquiries and websites will display your ad.
  3. Your firm only pays out each time a user clicks on the ad and visits your website.

Google AdWords and PPC Advertising in Miami

Search engines will often include different law firm websites. This can make it difficult for your potential clients to sift through various options to find the firm they need.

By utilizing PPC services, Google and other search engines will highlight your firm on relevant websites. As a result, you increase the chances of these users visiting your firm’s website. With this visibility boost, you can earn an advantage over other legal competitors with an additional way to attract new clients beyond your rank with search engine results pages.

You can take this a step further with Google AdWords. Google Ads is a marketing platform where you create an ad that will appear on the Google search engine. It offers some nuances options to create an ad or an entire ad campaign based on your unique, individual marketing needs.

Google offers a streamlined dashboard with all the tools your firm needs to set up, manage, and fund your marketing ad campaign. These are additionally PPC ads as well, meaning you only pay once someone clicks through the ad and visits your website.

How to Use PPC Services to Generate Clients for Your Miami Law Firm

Creating an effective PPC campaign is an art form. Nevertheless, with some simple tips and tricks from GOA-TECH, you can leverage PPC advertising to increase your law firm’s digital marketing initiatives’ effectiveness.

  • Select the Right Keywords

The price you pay for pay-per-click advertising may vary depending on the type of ad you use and the keywords you select. Search terms like “law firm,” “attorney,” and “lawyer” are notably expensive versus others. You may quickly discover that some of these PPC keywords can cost you up to $100 per click.

You don’t want to commit to such a notable expenditure for casual browsers who may or may not have an actual interest in your law firm. No successful PPC advertising campaign can afford to be this generic.

Instead, select focused keywords with terminology that is not only prices lower than other competitive terms, but also attracts potential clients that have an interest in what your firm offers.

  • Pinpoint Target Areas

Focus on where and what your legal firm offers. You may or may not practice law across all 50 states. In some scenarios, PPC services can benefit you by targeting ads to a specific state or city. In the case of South Florida, this might mean focusing on clients and services in Coral Gables or Brickell instead of neighborhoods like Kendall or South Miami.

You can additionally target your PPC advertising efforts by zip code. This will allow your firm to hone in on specific areas of the city and state where your targeted clients live or work. Broader coverages areas can mean wasted money. Always ensure your firm’s advertising takes note of where it stands to capture the greatest advantages.

  • Respond to What Works (and What Doesn’t)

PPC marketers like GOA-TECH commonly employ something that we call A/B testing. This is a method that can improve the efficacy of your firm’s ad campaigns. A/B testing involves running different versions of a similar ad to compare them. 

Google AdWords and most other PPC services platforms will allow your firm to run multiple versions of an ad, comparing their results. In most cases, A/B testing means employing only two ads at a time as more than two can become too nuanced for accurate analysis.

Your firm must respond accordingly by continuing to run the ad that has more click-throughs. A/B testing, in conjunction with your PPC advertising campaign, will help you determine your firm’s most effective terms and what content you produce that encourages people to click over to your website.

Nonetheless, you must also realize that A/B testing is not a “one and done” type of implementation. Your firm should consistently analyze test results to refine your advertising. The web, in general, continually changes, as do browser and user behaviors.

Miami PPC Services | GOA-TECH

PPC advertising works for everyone when used the right way. These ads display on search engines to users who need what your firm offers. The users indicate this by directly searching for keywords, phrases, and terms.

Although organic SEO remains necessary for any business, PPC services allow your practice to show up in front of potential clients even after they’ve clicked over to do something else on the web.

No other type of marketing exists quite like PPC marketing. You can develop a pay-per-click campaign engineered towards specific, targeted demographics in a direct and responsive effort focusing on user behaviors.

A PPC campaign exhibits a complicated combination of art as well as science. If you don’t feel up to the task, outsourcing to an expert team with PPC experience is easy. 

GOA-TECH can help you rely on pay-per-click options while developing ways to market your law firm the best. Our team has the necessary experience in web design, IT support, and digital marketing specifically for law firms, and can offer expert advice to help you market your practice.

If you need assistance with website design, SEO, and PPC, or still have questions about any of our services, contact our full-service marketing agency today at (786) 462-8324!


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